
David Brainerd: Pioneer Missionary to the American Indians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Few lives, since biblical times at least, have had a greater impact on Christian missionary vision and enterprise, or set a higher example of personal holiness and devotion to God, than that of David Brainerd. William Carey, often called the father of modern missions, valued the story of Brainerd's life so highly that he encouraged his co-workers to read it through three times a year. John...

bishops, vestments and rituals of the Anglican Church as the leftovers of Catholicism. The Puritans wanted to restore the church to its primitive purity, as delineated in the New Testament. Perhaps one of the chief excellences of Puritanism was its attempt to combine correct theology with real Christian godliness. They avoided a dead, doctrinaire intellectualism on the one hand and a formless subjective mysticism on the other. They strove to think right, believe right, speak right and live right.
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